2022: Younjin Min (University of California, Riverside)
2020: Young-Shin Jun (Washington University in St. Louis)
2019: Daeyeon Lee (UPenn)
2018: Hyunmin Yi (Tufts University)
2017: Jaehun Chun (PNNL)
2016: Hae-Kwon Jeong (Texas A&M University)
2015: Gyeong S. Hwang (University of Texas-Austin)
2011: Inchan Kwon (Univ of Virginia)
2010: Seung Soon Jang (Georgia Tech), Ah-Hyung Alissa Park (Columbia)
2009: Hae-Kwon Jeong (Texas A & M), Jin Ryoun Kim (Polytechnic Institute of New York)
2008: Sobin Kim (Rutgers)
2007: You-Yeon Won (Purdue)
2006: Ilsoon Lee (Michigan State), Sang Bok Lee (Maryland)
2005: Yong Lak Joo (Cornell)
2004: Seong Han Kim (Penn State), Chan Beum Park (Arizona State)
KICHE USChapter - Apr 28, 2023
- 1 min read
Dear KIChE US Chapter Members/Friends/Sponsors,
It is with great pleasure to announce that the KIChE US Chapter Forum will be held at 3:15 - 5:45 PM (Marquis Ballroom D, Marriott Marquis Atlanta) and the Reception at 7:00 - 9:30 PM (Marriott Room A703, Marriott Marquis Atlanta) on Wednesday November 19 , 2014. Forum details can be found at https://aiche.confex.com/aiche/2014/webprogram/Session27686.html. We look forward to seeing you all. And please help spread the invitation. Thank you. Sincerely. Officers of the KIChE US Chapter (You-Yeon Won, Daeyeon Lee, Jaehun Chun, Hyunmin Yi, Seung Soon Jang, Hae-Kwon Jeong, Nosang Myung, Inchan Kwon, Jin Ryoun Kim, Yoonjee Park)
KIChE US Chapter solicits nominations for two important awards in our Chapter – the KIChE President Young Investigator Award, and the James M. Lee Memorial Award. The application is due by March 15th.
Please see the attached PDF file for details.
Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers
US Chapter
©2023 KICHE US